Real estate translation services

We provide professional real estate translation service for website listings, housing translation, foreclosure translation, and any other document translation for real estate. We guarantee the lowest cost translation service - get started with an instant free quote.


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95,000 Business Customers

ISO Certifications for
Enhanced Translation Quality

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A Real Translation Company you can Trust 

95,000 clients have entrusted Tomedes with their business. These include private individuals, small to medium businesses, and the largest corporations, leading brands, national and local governments. But most importantly: we're here for you. Right now.


Don't Risk It - Use Only Professional
Real Estate Translation

Each language has its own unique way of using real estate abbreviations, slang, dialectal differences, and other language characteristics. It takes a professional translation company with experienced real estate translators to represent any real estate or housing business in a professional manner. It's been proven many times that using machine translation for real estate listings is not a substitute for a professional translation. While free online translation may be tempting, and sometimes may give you a vague idea, (though often not even that) it should never be used as a public listing. Poor translations can compromise any business.

If you want your own proof, take a real estate listing from a Russian real estate site (or any other language) and translate it with an online Russian to English translation tool. You'll quickly see that it translates very poorly. If you are reading the real estate listing translation and thinking, "huh?" - then you can be sure that others reading a machine translation from English to their language - are thinking the same thing. Don't make the mistake of using unreliable, flawed translation simply because it's free. They are simply no substitute for a professional real estate translation service and human translators.

To get a free quote for any housing translation service, or any real estate document translation, simply use the top menu to upload your documents or files. You can also simply input the total number of words to be translated. You'll receive an estimate of our services within a few seconds; which will reveal that we offer the lowest cost translation service found with any top translation company.

Housing Translation Service
Helps Bring Business Your Way

Housing associations are often set up for particular foreign language communities. New York has many housing assistance services for various communities, such as Ukrainian housing assistance, which requires Ukrainian housing and real estate translation. Greek translation, Chinese translation, and Russian real estate translation service are a few other examples of language translation needs for foreign language community housing services in New York or any other area. It's simple to reach out to these communities with website translation and real estate marketing translation, which are great ways to attract their business. It's statistically proven that people are four to five times more likely to purchase from a website, business or service offered in their own language, even if they speak English.

Housing associations are often set up for particular foreign language communities. New York has many housing assistance services for various communities, such as Ukrainian housing assistance, which requires Ukrainian housing and real estate translation. Greek translation, Chinese translation, and Russian real estate translation service are a few other examples of language translation needs for foreign language community housing services in New York or any other area.

Some examples of real estate and housing translation are:

  • Real estate listing translation, real estate website translation and website listing translation
  • Lease translation, rental property translation and occupant agreement translation
  • Building permit translation, zoning translation, realtor's license translation
  • Home loan translation, technical real estate translation for financial paperwork, technical translation for real estate safety and standards documents
  • Housing association translation, housing assistance translation, H.U.D translation, and other government housing translation
  • Commercial property translation, commercial real estate translation

Tomedes offers the lowest cost for real estate and housing translation from any online professional translation service. With just a handful of comparisons, you'll quickly see that you can save up to 75% by using our translators. Our clients return to us again and again, because we offer the same accurate, high quality translation service without charging an arm and a leg.

Fully Accredited Real Translation Services


ATA Corporate Member Number 272444


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  • Personal project manager
  • Support and assistance via email, phone and chat

1-year guarantee

  • Post-completion project support
  • Comprehensive quality assurance

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  • Availability for urgent orders
  • Working around the clock to provide the best, fastest service

95,000 Business Customers

  • Fortune 500 companies trust Tomedes translation agency
  • Official and selected Google and Android partner

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