Last translation projects

24/7 Human Support
1 Year Guarantee
95,000 Business Customers
Chinese Website Localization Services

October 04, 2010

We have recently provided a number of clients with e-commerce and business website translation service, including localized keyword and SEO translation.

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Literary Translation by our Linguists

September 23, 2010

Turkish to English translation of several literary novels was requested by a publishing company in Chicago.

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Certificate Translation Services by our Network of Professional Translators

September 15, 2010

We provide birth certificate translation service quickly and at affordable rates, so that clients can have their birth certificate translation ready for travel or customs in a day or less.

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Finnish Business Translation Services by our Experts

September 08, 2010

We recently provided technical translation service for a global mobile media technology service

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Govenment Document Translation Services

September 08, 2010

Tomedes provides low cost, perfect translation for any kind of immigration documents.

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Professional Translation Services

September 06, 2010

We provided both Hebrew and Czech translation of a technical automotive codes sheet for an automotive parts assembly and distribution company.We provided both Hebrew and Czech translation of a technical automotive codes sheet for an automotive parts assembly and distribution company.

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Norwegian Business Translation Services

August 31, 2010

We provided a global S&P 500 company with business brochure translation from English to Norwegian.

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Russian Legal Translation Services

August 25, 2010

We provided legal Russian translation service for a large mobile phone service company.

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German to English Financial Translation Services

August 18, 2010

We provided legal financial translation from German to English for a law firm in Chicago, for stock return statements, investment statements, and other legal financial documents.

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Government Document Translation

August 16, 2010

We quite recently provided local government translation from Chuukese to English for a New York state county.

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