Last translation projects

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95,000 Business Customers
Professional business translation by Tomedes

November 25, 2018

For our latest Tomedes client, Norwegian Bokmål was the order of the day for this business document translation.

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Professional video translation from Tomedes

November 21, 2018

Recently, a new client asked us to translate his corporate video from English to Thai as swiftly as possible.

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Accurate financial translation by Tomedes

November 18, 2018

A recent Tomedes client asked for an English to Shona financial translation, as part of his efforts to harness the potential of globalisation

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Professional Korean translation by Tomedes

November 14, 2018

Recently, a client asked us to undertake a Korean translation, as she needed an English version of her marriage certificate.

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Professional Vietnamese translation by Tomedes

November 11, 2018

A recent Tomedes client needed a product manual translation from English to Vietnamese.

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Professional resume translation from Tomedes

November 07, 2018

A recent Tomedes client needed his resumed translated. The French translation would allow him to apply for jobs in France.

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Accurate legal translation from Tomedes

November 04, 2018

A recent client used our rush translation service when she needed Tomedes to undertake a legal document translation from Korean to English

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Burmese business translation from Tomedes

October 31, 2018

A client recently asked Tomedes to undertake a Burmese translation of a marketing presentation on behalf of his company.

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Accurate medical translation from Tomedes

October 28, 2018

A client who needed a medical guidance document translated from English to Thai turned to Tomedes for help.

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Professional app translation by Tomedes

October 24, 2018

A new client recently asked Tomedes to complete his mobile app translation, converting it from his native English to Japanese

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