Last translation projects

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95,000 Business Customers
Professional Financial Translation

July 08, 2018

A regular customer recently asked the Tomedes team to help her with a quick translation project, translating from Greek to English.

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Professional Spanish Translation

July 04, 2018

A new client asked Tomedes to translate his video subtitles from English to Spanish.

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Professional German Translation

July 01, 2018

A recent Tomedes client used our German translation services to translate his company newsletter from German to English.

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Professional Japanese translation

June 27, 2018

Recently, a client called on Tomedes to translate his magazine articles from English to Japanese.

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Professional Vietnamese Translation

June 24, 2018

A recent client needed Vietnamese translation in order to share a range of educational materials with young people in Vietnam

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Professional Japanese translation

June 20, 2018

A recent Tomedes client needed her birth certificate translated from Japanese to US English.

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Arabic to English literary translation

June 17, 2018

Recently, a new client contacted Tomedes about the literary translation of her novel from Arabic to English.

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English to Punjabi business email translation

June 13, 2018

A recent client asked Tomedes to support his business venture by providing English to Punjabi translation for a series of emails.

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English to Tibetan video translation

June 10, 2018

A recent client asked Tomedes for a video translation service, to convert her video from English to Tibetan.

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English to Korean marketing and educational translation

June 06, 2018

A Tomedes client needed documents translated from English to Korean in order to share the educational courses she had developed with new audiences.

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