Last translation projects

24/7 Human Support
1 Year Guarantee
95,000 Business Customers
Document Translation for Business

November 15, 2015

We put our business translation skills to the test recently when a client asked us to translate his company governing document from Hebrew to English

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Human Resource Translation Services

November 11, 2015

For this client's English to Hebrew business translation, we utilised one of our most experienced translators in Tel Aviv

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Financial Translation Services by our Japanese Translators

November 11, 2015

Tomedes was asked to undertake the translation of detailed financial documents for a client moving from Japan to Canada

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Technical Translation Services by our Expert German Translators

November 08, 2015

A regular client frequently requires her technical product manuals to be translated from German to English

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French Translation Services by our Experienced Marketing Translators

November 08, 2015

Tomedes recently undertook a translation for a client whose customers came from both England and France

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Website Localization Services by our Expert Ukrainian Translators

November 04, 2015

A corporate client recently approached Tomedes to ask for her website to be translated from English to Ukrainian

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Financial Translation Services by our Expert Translators

November 04, 2015

A client contacted Tomedes through the live chat service on our website, to discuss the certified translation of his financial documents

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Desktop Publishing and Translation Services

November 01, 2015

A client recently asked for us to translate his product brochure from English to Chinese, with desktop publishing required as well as translation

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Business Translation Services by our Expert Estonian Translators

November 01, 2015

A Tomedes client recently asked the team to translate a business manual from English to Estonian.

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Subtitle Translation Service

October 28, 2015

Tomedes recently completed the translation of the dialogue for an instructional video from Spanish to English.

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