Last translation projects

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Legal Translation Services by Professional Translators

March 20, 2014

International relationships often require professional human translation services, such as Tomedes' recent Sinhalese to English legal document translation.

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German Scientific Translation Services

March 18, 2014

Tomedes often undertakes product label and product manual translation, such as our recent English to German product label translation.

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Italian Translation Services by our Native Translators

March 18, 2014

Personal translation requests, such as the Italian to English diary translation that Tomedes undertook last week, are needed for a variety of reasons.

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Marketing Research Translation Services

March 17, 2014

Presenting a business to new audiences often requires marketing translation services, such as Tomedes' recent Hebrew to English market research translation.

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Business Translation by our Professional Turkish Translators

March 12, 2014

Building business relationships in different languages can be tricky, hence the English to Turkish translation of a corporate presentation that Tomedes completed.

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Best Quality Spanish Translation Services

March 12, 2014

Companies that market products overseas often need manuals in several languages, such as the English to Spanish manual translation that Tomedes undertook.

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Legal Translation Services by our Certified Professional Translators

March 10, 2014

Last week, Tomedes was asked to undertake the urgent Portuguese to English translation of a batch of real estate documents.

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Japanese Translation Services by our Technical Translators

March 10, 2014

Many companies need to provide their manual in more than one language, such as the technical manual that Tomedes recently translated from English to Japanese.

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Legal Translation Services by our Experienced Translators

March 05, 2014

Legal agreements between companies in different countries often require translation, such as the recent Chinese to English legal agreement that Tomedes translated.

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Burmese Translation Services

March 05, 2014

Tomedes often translates government documents related to marriage, such as the Burmese to English birth certificate translation that we completed recently.

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