Last translation projects

24/7 Human Support
1 Year Guarantee
95,000 Business Customers
Spanish Website Localization

November 18, 2013

Our experience includes translating websites on all manner of different subjects into a huge range of languages.

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Dutch Translation Services

November 14, 2013

Tomedes specializes in legal translation, along with many other kinds of translation, to ensure that our clients receive top quality documents, every time.

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Educational Translation Services by our Italian Translators

November 14, 2013

Academic translation is a highly sought after skill, which requires careful, intelligent, human translation.

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German Translation Services by our Expert Translators

November 11, 2013

The translation of German to English is a frequent request, covering documents from instruction manuals to databases.

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Best Quality French Translation Services

November 11, 2013

English to French is a common translation request, for everything from legal documents to marketing brochures.

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Marketing Translation Services by our Expert Danish Translators

November 07, 2013

Marketing brochures are frequently required in more than one language. With globally available products, the literature related to them must keep up with the delivery area.

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Technical Translation Services by our Skilled Translators

November 07, 2013

The translation of computer files is a specialist service that requires particular attention to detail by the translator.

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Business Translation Services by our Skilled Translators

November 01, 2013

Globalisation has led to an international governance structure in many businesses, with boards of subsidiary companies operating in other languages.

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Website Localization Services by our Japanese Expert Translators

November 01, 2013

For the modern fashion business, a multi-lingual online presence can lead to a series of new revenue streams.

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Japanese Translation Services

October 30, 2013

Tomedes is often asked to translate documents into Japanese. We maintain a bank of Japanese translators, with a range of career backgrounds and experience.

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