Last translation projects

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95,000 Business Customers
French Translation Services

July 27, 2013

Business cards are a staple for business owners and professionals worldwide. But for some international businesspeople, in order to manage contacts in other countries they need to have their business cards translated into other languages.

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Spanish Translation services by our Expert Translators

July 27, 2013

Spanish is by far one of the most common languages we receive translation requests for. From business translations to practical translations

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English to Dutch Business Translation Services

July 24, 2013

Business translations are some of the most common translation project requests received at Tomedes. We provide Translation Services in any language pair.

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Social Media Translation Services

July 23, 2013

Although requests for Tibetan translations are less common than languages such as French and Spanish, Tomedes does have translators on staff to assist with Tibetan translation needs.

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Software Localization Services

July 22, 2013

Portugese is one of the most rapidly growing languages. As such, the need for Portugese translators is on the rise.

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Business Translation Services by our Skilled Chinese Translators

July 19, 2013

Chinese translations are among the most common and most difficult translation projects to complete and these projects are always welcome at Tomedes.

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Swedish Translation Service

July 18, 2013

Medical paperwork is one of those types of documents that you don't want mistranslated. Medical mistranslations can lead to medical errors

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Fast and Accurate Arabic Translation Services

July 17, 2013

Arabic translations are becoming increasingly popular, especially where it concerns international business matters.

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Italian Educational Translation Services

July 17, 2013

Italian to English translations are quite popular, especially in certain parts of the United States.

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Comic Book Translation Services

July 13, 2013

Japanese translation requests are quite common, especially when it comes to business related translations.

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