English to Bulgarian Translation of Investor Pamphlet

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English to Bulgarian Translation of Investor Pamphlet

May 28, 2013

By Ofer Tirosh

In recent years, Bulgarian translation requests have increased in popularity due to the increase in English speaking investor prospects in Bulgaria. One example is a Bulgarian translation we did a few weeks ago for a Bulgarian investment firm. The project consisted of us translating an investor pamphlet from Bulgarian into English.

One of our best Bulgarian translators took on the job, while another Bulgarian translator proofread it to ensure that all of the investment jargon and lingo was translated properly. The three page pamphlet only took us two business days to get back to our client.

Bulgarian translation requests will continue to be on the rise as many professional investors and entrepreneurs enter the Bulgarian market. It is important to have a professional translation company such as Tomedes translate important business and investment  documents to ensure a professional expert translation.

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