English to Danish Presentation Translation

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English to Danish Presentation Translation

October 22, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Technology companies often have to reach global audiences while marketing their products, hence the English to Danish business presentation translation undertaken by Tomedes recently. 

This was an interesting project for Tomedes, as the presentation contained both technical information technology terms and some elements of marketing jargon. Thankfully, Tomedes maintains a global network of over 5,000 professional translators, so no combination of skills or language pairings it too tricky for us. 

We turned to one of our leading Danish translators, based in Aarhus. Having run his own highly successful IT company in Denmark for several years before taking early retirement and pursuing a part-time career as a professional translator, he had precisely the right combination of technical knowledge and business skills for which we were looking.

With our efficient translator on the case, the job took just four days to complete, meaning we were able to provide the translated presentation to the client well ahead of her deadline. She was most impressed with the quality of the translated document, which our desktop publishing team had prepared in the same PowerPoint format as her original presentation.

She was equally pleased with the competitive cost for which Tomedes had undertaken the work, thanks to our innovative business model that provides flawless translations at excellent prices.


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