Awesome app translation

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Awesome app translation

April 16, 2017

By Ofer Tirosh

A client recently asked Tomedes to translate her gaming app from English to Dutch, so that she could launch it to a new market. She had already used our professional translation services to convert the app into Spanish and German and was now ready to take on a new, Dutch-speaking audience. 

The need for app translation – whether for gaming or other kinds of apps – has exploded over the past few years. App downloads rose to over 90 billion in 2016, showing that this huge market continues to expand rapidly. 

For developers looking to maximise the return on the time, energy and money that they have committed to their apps, professional human translation is the way forward. The human element is important – despite the vast range of apps available, none of the machine translation apps on offer is yet able to translate with the same skill and attention to linguistic detail as the human brain can. Hence the continuing need for human translators, particularly for those looking to present a professional version of their app to audiences around the world. 

For this client, we turned to our leading Dutch translator, based in Amsterdam. Himself an avid gamer and lover of all things tech, we knew that he would be the perfect person for the job. We always seek to pair our translators’ interests with the jobs they undertake in this way, as experience has shown us that this results in higher quality translations and a happier network of translators (and with 5,000 translators already in our network, we must know a thing or two about keeping our team happy!). 

The client was pleased to receive a flawless Dutch translation in good time. She is now rolling out the Dutch version of her app and will be engaging Tomedes’ translation service again as soon as she is ready to take on another language. 

For all of your app and tech translation needs, contact Tomedes. We look forward to supporting you to reach out to new audiences around the world. 

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