English to Mandarin Video Subtitle Translation

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English to Mandarin Video Subtitle Translation

October 02, 2019

By Ofer Tirosh

A client recently approached Tomedes regarding our English to Mandarin translation service. She had produced a video in English that she wanted to share with Chinese speaking audiences. 

Professional Chinese Translation Services

Tomedes has been providing English to Chinese translation services for over a decade. Our language experts cover both traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese. They translate Mandarin, Cantonese, Hunanese and a range of other dialects. 

This client needed her video subtitles translated from English to Mandarin, so our expert translators got straight to work. 

The Benefits of Subtitle Translation

There are two main benefits of subtitling a video. The first is that the subtitles can be used by those who are deaf or hard of hearing. The World Health Organization reports that around 466 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss. That figure is expected to rise to 900 million by 2050. As such, subtitling your videos can mean opening them up to huge new audiences. 

The other use of subtitles is to present videos to those who don’t speak the language that the audio element is recorded in. This was the case with our recent video translation client. She wanted to share her video with audiences who spoke Mandarin, but without re-recording the audio element of it. As such, she planned to keep the sound in English while providing Chinese subtitles. Our professional video translation service was just what she needed. 

The first task was to transcribe the video. All of our video translators are experienced transcriptionists, who can quickly and accurately capture the content of the file, ready for translation and subtitling. 

Fast Delivery for Busy Clients

In this instance, our client needed her subtitles in a hurry, as she was keen to share her video with new audiences and thus get the best possible returns for the funds she had spent on making it. 

Tomedes is set up to handle rush translations of this nature, so we lost no time in producing accurate Mandarin subtitles, ready for the client to apply them to her video. The client was absolutely delighted with the speed of our service, as well as with the high quality of the translations. Another successful translation by the dedicated Tomedes team! 

Meeting Global Professional Translation Needs

If you have a translation need, get in touch with Tomedes today. We deliver 24/7 customer support, so not matter where you are based there will always be a helpful team member on hand to answer your call, respond to your email or engage with you on live chat. We look forward to hearing from you!

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