English to Polish business letter translation

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English to Polish business letter translation

February 28, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

Modern companies use many methods to communicate with their employees: email, social media and business chat programmes being three popular options. But when it comes to important company decisions and news, business letters remain a popular way to get the message across to every staff member. 

Recently, Tomedes was able to assist a client with just such a task. The company had been founded in England but also operated an office in Poland. A significant change to the company structure was due to take place and this needed to be communicated to the staff team. 

While the business generally translated documents in-house, the senior team felt that a word-perfect translation was essential for this particular message. Therefore the company approached Tomedes in order that we could provide them with a professional translation of their business letter from English to Polish. 

Our top English to Polish translator in Warsaw was available to undertake this work and got started immediately. The letter was important but not overly lengthy and so within two days we were able to complete the translation and have it assess by the Tomedes quality assurance team. This team looks at every translation we produce in order to assess its accuracy and ensure that Tomedes maintains its global reputation for high quality translations.  

The client was delighted with the professional Polish translation of his business letter and with the fast turnaround time. He was also extremely pleased with the value for money he received from our translation service. Another happy Tomedes customer!

For all your business translation needs, contact Tomedes today. You can get an instant quote via our website or chat to us online, by phone or by email. We also undertake personal translation, legal translation, medical translation and more, so whatever you need, get in touch to find out how we can help.

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