Translation of Large Website from English to Russian

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Translation of Large Website from English to Russian

May 03, 2013

By Ofer Tirosh


Translating business materials is nothing new to the translators at Tomedes. Our team of translators also translates business websites from time to time. Most recently, our Russian translators translated a website from Russian into English for a Russian consulting firm that does business internationally. 

The website was a multi-page site with over 15 pages of content to be translated. For the project, a team of three Russian translators was used to ensure all the business jargon was translated correctly from Russian into English. We were able to meet the demands of our new client and deliver the final result a couple days before the deadline. 

Business Translation Services

The Tomedes translators have experience in translating a slew of business documents and materials such as brochures, marketing materials, legal documents, resumes, HR paperwork and company branding materials. In addition, they have expertise in niche specific translations including real estate documents, estate planning translations, court papers and more. 



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