English to Spanish Legal Contract Translation

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English to Spanish Legal Contract Translation

July 11, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Tomedes is often asked to undertake large translation jobs, such as the English to Spanish legal contract translation that we completed last month. 

Companies that operate in more than one country often require their documents to be translated into other languages. The translation of legal documents such as contracts is a highly specialised job, due to the terminology and phrasing found in such documents. The translator needs to have a grasp of legal jargon in both the original and the target language in order for the work to be completed flawlessly. 

Tomedes specialises in legal translations for a wide range of language pairings. For this particular client, we turned to our leading legal translator based in Mexico City, as the client had specified the target language as being Latin American Spanish rather than European Spanish. 

This was a huge job, with nearly 45,000 words in total across the various contracts. We quoted the client an extremely competitive rate and estimated that the job would take just over a month to complete. However, with our usual flair for beating clients’ expectations, we managed to deliver the perfectly translated Spanish version of the contract within one month exactly from the start of the job. 

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