English to Spanish Textbook Translation

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English to Spanish Textbook Translation

June 09, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Textbooks and workbooks are essential tools in helping children to learn new languages, hence the English to Spanish textbook translation undertaken by Tomedes last month. 

Regardless of the textbook’s subject matter, Tomedes has the perfect person on hand to translate it, thanks to our huge global network of professional human translators (we never use machine translation – the quality just isn’t good enough to meet our standards). We have specialists in educational linguistics on hand to ensure that every textbook and workbook we translate is guaranteed to give those reading it the best possible chance of learning their target language. 

For this particular job, our translator was a former teacher based in Cadiz. Fluent in English, Spanish and French, he was eager to translate the client’s textbook and completed the job within just two weeks – an excellent result, given the size of the textbook. After a quick round of quality assurance checks, which we undertake for every job, the document was passed back to the client. 

The client was pleased to receive such a high quality translation for such a competitive cost. She was also delighted at the speed with which we undertook the work and has already provided Tomedes with two further textbooks to translate. 


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