English to Spanish video translation

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English to Spanish video translation

July 07, 2019

By Ofer Tirosh

Videos that last for 90 seconds or less manage to retain 59% of viewers, according to this article on video marketing statistics from Impact. That’s an impressive retention rate and something that companies around the world are leveraging in order to market their goods and services more effectively. 

Another way that many brands are maximising the potential of their marketing videos is through the use of video translation services, which allow them to use the same video to reach out to customers in multiple countries. A recent Tomedes client is a case in point. 

Accurate Spanish translation 

Tomedes recently provided a Spanish translation service to a client who needed his marketing video translated. He was looking for a qualified and experienced Spanish translator to work on his project, with a background in marketing. We were able to provide just the right person. 

After initially discussing his requirements with the Tomedes team over live chat, the client engaged us to provide professional Spanish translation to his company. We were delighted to help. 

Video translation for business clients

Video translation often involves transcription as well as translation, as was the case with this client. As he had no written record of the dialogue and narration in the video, our translation professional quickly transcribed this first, before beginning the actual translation. She time-stamped the transcription in order that it could be synced to the visual elements of the video when the Spanish voiceover was recorded and applied. 

Once the transcription process was complete, our translator got to work on converting the video’s English content into Spanish. The end result was a flawless Spanish transcript, complete with time stamps, that the client could use with the Spanish voiceover artist that he had lined up. 

Quality – guaranteed 

The client was delighted with the professional and cost-effective service that Tomedes had provided. He was also pleased by the one-year guaranteed that we provide with all of our translations. We do this to both assure the quality of our work and to provide our clients with peace of mind. It was certainly well received in this instance. 

A global translation network

We have translators spread around the world, ready and waiting to help your business connect with new audiences. Whether you have a video translation project or a document-based one, we are here to help. Simply speak to our team by live chat, email or phone to get started. You can also obtain an instant quote from the Tomedes website. 

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