English to Hebrew Translation of Medical Documents

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English to Hebrew Translation of Medical Documents

May 19, 2012

By Ofer Tirosh

When Accurate Medical Translation is Crucial

We receive plenty of medical translations for all kinds of language pairs.  Many of these are often for language pairs such as English to Croatian translation, or German to English, or other currently common language translations.  For this particular medical translation, our expert medical and psychology translators took on an important evaluation document which required English to Hebrew translation.

The accuracy of the translation was crucial to the outcome of what and how state-funded accomodations would be made for the client, according to the document's evaluation.  This is the kind of professional translation that carries a lot of responsibility and absolutely meticulous accuracy and proofreading.  Any small mistake in vocabulary, word choice, sentence structure or other linguistic structure could result in detriment to the client relying upon the transfer and proper, professional translation of the medical evaluation.  This is why we assigned this document translation project to only our top psychiatric and medical translation experts, who have worked both within the industry and previously translated materials for medical and/or psychiatric fields.

 English to Hebrew Translation of Medical Evaluation

Providing specific details about the medical-pyschological evaluation submitted for Hebrew translation is against our privacy policy, as well as perhaps client-patient confidentiality. General details about the document translation: a length of approximately 3500 words, and a high level of technical terminology, vocabulary, and evaluative medical and/or psychiatric parameters, which required professional Hebrew translators equipped with specialized training and expertise in medical translations.

Technical translation services are provided through our network of thousands of professional translators worldwide, with individual industry-specific expertise and experience. 

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