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October 08, 2013

By Ofer Tirosh

Some clients’ translation needs are for one-off, ad hoc pieces of text such as emails or a website landing page. Others required the translation of complex documents, including medical or scientific jargon. At Tomedes we keep a bank of highly skilled translators on hand to ensure that no matter what the job is, we can complete it on time and to the highest professional standards. 

Recently, a client asked us to provide a translation service for their online, magazine-style website. The site covered everything from fashion to books to beauty, and daily updates were made to keep the content fresh. The original site was in Russian, and the client wanted to supplement it with an English-language version. 

Due to the nature and style of the site, the translation needed to maintain the modern, engaging tone of the original articles, in order to appeal to the hip, fashionable audience. It was also essential that the translator be available to turn the 500-1,000 word articles around very quickly, in order to keep up with the website’s daily demands. 

We sourced one of our regular Russian to English translators for the task – a young woman with a keen eye for all things trendy, who was the perfect fit for the image of the website, as well as having first-rate translation abilities. She undertook an initial test job for the client, who was extremely impressed. A daily schedule was then put in place, with articles regularly translated and returned to the client ready for posting onto the English version of the website. 

At Tomedes we take pride in ensuring that our clients are provided with a high quality, accurate service every time. That’s why we take such care in finding the right translator for every job, no matter how big or small. 

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