Technical Document Translation in Washington D.C.

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Technical Document Translation in Washington D.C.

June 03, 2010

By Ofer Tirosh

Technical Translation for Financial Documents, Manuals, Textbooks and More

Technical translation comes in many shapes and colors. Some clients request technical financial translation, technical business translation, or information technology translation. Some request just general technical translations such as textbook translation, manual translation, and other documents with general technical terminology. Technical translation is an extremely important part of any professional translation service, as well as to any business with a foreign market. To get a free quote for any kind of technical document translation in any industry, simply send us your documents using the menu on the left to upload them. Or you can input the total number of words to be translated. You'll receive an estimate within seconds, which details the low cost translation rates we offer to all clients.

Recently a business located in Washington D.C. (specific client details are prohibited from disclosure due to strict confidentiality agreements) needed English to Turkish translation and English to Greek translation of a home appliance manual. While normally the translation requests that come out of D.C. are related to news and journalism, government document translations, political or confidential translations, and things of this nature, there are many international businesses in the Washington D.C. area, with many needs for technical business translation. Any translation needed in the D.C. area is always welcome by Tomedes.

Technical Document Translation in D.C. and Worldwide

The technical manual translation for the home appliance that was being translated to Greek and Turkish consisted of a total of 4401 English words. However, English to Turkish translation has shown that usually Turkish translated word counts tend to be a bit higher. For this type of Greek translation and Turkish translation project with general technical terms, we assign one Greek translator and one Turkish, as well as a proofreader for each language translation service. Finally, one Greek and one Turkish project supervisor, or one supervisor fluent in both languages, also with technical translation experience, manages the project to ensure timely translation, accuracy and otherwise high quality technical translation to Turkish and Greek.

technical financial translation in New York, technical real estate translation in Las Vegas, Italian textbook translation and many other technical translations in nearly every city. Our network of translators is over 5,000 worldwide, allowing us to provide professional technical translation service in any industry or language.

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