Translation to English for Resumes and Cvs

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Translation to English for Resumes and Cvs

April 25, 2010

By Ofer Tirosh

Resume Translation

With millions of foreign born immigrants moving to the U.S. and Canada each year, one of the most important first tasks is having resume translation completed for relocating and job finding. While many people who relocate to North American areas speak English, many do not speak it on a professional level, or at least enough to properly translate their own resume or CV. With just one Chinese to English resume translation or resume translation from French to English, you can make as many copies as necessary to future needs. It only takes one translation of a resume or CV to be able to properly job search. For a free quote on any CV or resume translation, simply send us your resume using the top menu. You'll be provided with a detailed estimate in seconds.

Clients depend on us to translate resumes and Cvs for them also because American or UK resume formats are different than that of a French resume format, or a Chinese resume format. Headings and dates are arranged differently, as well as order of content. This much is true even within English speaking countries. Proper translation of resumes and resume formatting should be provided only by professional translators with this experience and knowledge. Our translators have provided hundreds of resume translations in numerous language pairs.

Translate Your Resume into Any Language

We can translate your CV or resume from any language or into any language, including:

  • Spanish to English resume translation
  • Chinese to English resume translation or Chinese CV translation
  • French resume translation or French to English CV translation
  • Russian to English resume translation or Russian CV translation
  • German to English resume translation
  • Japanese-English translation and English to Japanese resume translation or Japanese CV translation for business and representatives working in Japan, military families stationed in Japan, and other reasons for relocation and job search in Japan.

Our resume and CV translation rates are incredibly affordable – up to 75% less than other professional translation companies. As a global translation service, our translators are experienced with industry specific talents and skills, so that we can provide you with any kind of document translation, in any language and for any industry.

Why choose us

24/7 Human Support

1 Year Guarantee

95,000 Business Customers