Website translation from Swedish to Finnish

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Website translation from Swedish to Finnish

December 09, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

Companies within Europe (and elsewhere in the world) often sell goods and services across their borders. In many cases this requires the professional translation of a range of documents – everything from technical manuals to marketing brochures. 

Recently, a new client approached Tomedes regarding her Swedish website. She wanted to reach out to customers in neighbouring Finland and although she spoke some Finnish, her linguistic skills were not sufficient to translate the whole of her website into that language. 

Thankfully, Tomedes has a bank of translators on hand covering a vast range of language pairings and we were quickly and easily able to find the perfect person to undertake the Swedish to Finnish translation of the client’s website. 

The client was pleasantly surprised by our quote for this service – she had expected that professional translation would cost her dearly and so was delighted to receive such a reasonable rate. This is thanks to our innovative business model, which allows us to minimize our overheads in order to pass savings along to Tomedes’ clients. 

Our Swedish to Finnish translator got to work on the website. It took her just under a week to translate and was then passed to our quality assurance team. Our quality assurance process is applied to every translation that Tomedes undertakes – it is one of the ways in which we ensure that our high standards are maintained for each and every document. 

Once our quality assurance team was satisfied, we provided the client with the Finnish version of her website. She was thrilled to receive it so promptly and to see the level of accuracy that the Tomedes translator had achieved. 

If you have a website, brochure or other document that needs translating today, use our website to obtain an instant quote. You can also email us, call us or use the live chat service on our website to discuss your translation needs. 

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