Last translation projects

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95,000 Business Customers
Polish Translation Services by our Expert Business Translators

February 28, 2016

Recently, Tomedes was able to assist a client with the English to Polish translation of a formal letter that had to be sent to all staff members

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Swahili Marketing Translation Services

February 24, 2016

Recently, a client asked Tomedes to undertake her customer survey translation from English to Swahili

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Marketing Translation Services by our Skilled Translators

February 24, 2016

A new Dutch client approached Tomedes to help promote his business through a targeted email marketing campaign in the US and Asia

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Professional Hebrew Translation Services by our Legal Translators

February 21, 2016

Tomedes recently undertook an in depth legal translation from Hebrew to English for a regular client.

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Business Translation Services by our Expert Greek Translators

February 21, 2016

A regular client recently asked Tomedes to undertake the translation of a company finance report from Greek to English.

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Spanish Translation Services by our Experienced Business Translators

February 17, 2016

One of our clients in the US asked us to translate her two marketing brochures from English to Spanish

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Ukrainian Certificate Translation Services

February 17, 2016

A client approached us recently needing his birth certificate and marriage certificate translated from Ukrainian to English.

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Russian Translation Services by our Skilled Translators

February 14, 2016

Recently, a new client approached Tomedes asking for the translation of his CV from English to Russian

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German Translation Services

February 14, 2016

A client approached us for an educational translation from English to German, as part of his living and teaching English in Germany

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Blog Translation Services

February 10, 2016

Tomedes was delighted recently to take on a very personal website translation on behalf of a new client.

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