Last translation projects

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95,000 Business Customers
English to German Manual Translation

August 06, 2015

Our client produces a complex, portable water filtering system. Needless to say, the instructions for such a product required accurate translation.

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Financial Translation Services

August 05, 2015

The report was a large, multi-page document, and there were multiple sections that pertained to different sections of the company's finances.

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News letter Translation services

August 04, 2015

A charity just put the final touches to one of its newsletters, but before it could be distributed to subscribers, a translation had to be made.

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Article Translation Service

July 31, 2015

A magazine editor wanted to send us content on an ongoing basis, but to begin with, he requested that we perform a single article translation.

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English to Russian Document Translation Services

July 30, 2015

Our client requested a Russian translation of a short document that outlined a new selection of parts his company was manufacturing.

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Spanish Translation by our Expert Software Translators

July 29, 2015

In order to reach more customers, the client wanted to translate the entire software package into Spanish, and called on us to assist.

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Business Translation by our Professional Chinese Translators

July 28, 2015

The client worked for a private flight company and he wished to pitch a new business idea to his managers via a PowerPoint presentation.

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Legal Translation Services by our Professional Native Translators

July 24, 2015

Our customer often works on cases regarding immigration issues, and on this occasion one of her clients needed some assistance with financial issues.

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Financial Education Translation Services by our Network of Experts

July 23, 2015

The Spanish curriculum consisted of 468 pages divided across 9 separate documents which translated by our professional Spanish Translators.

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Hebrew Business Translation Services by our Professional Translators

July 21, 2015

The catalog the company wanted us to translate contained a variety of different industrial adhesives, each one suited to a different situation.

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