Last translation projects

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95,000 Business Customers
Korean App Localization Services

June 04, 2015

Quick accurate translation for Android app translation from English to Korean including review of localized app

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Spanish Translation Services

June 04, 2015

Legal translations are extremely important to complete with the utmost of accuracy, and at Tomedes we�'re proud to have a large number of legal firms

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Slovakia Legal Translation Services

May 28, 2015

The client wanted to have their terms of sale document translated by a professional translator into Slovak so that the seller could read the agreement in their native tongue

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Mobile App Translation Services

May 27, 2015

This allows us to provide officially endorsed professional human translations for Google Play Store apps.

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Healthcare Document Translation Services by our Expert Translators

May 26, 2015

Quick translation service of medical reports from English to Russian by our Expert Native Translator - Long term Contract

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French Business Translation

May 21, 2015

A suitable, native speaking translator was chosen to produce the high quality French translation, and thanks to the small volume of text in the source material the document was translated into French and returned to the client within 24 hours.

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Quick and Accurate Professional Translation Services

May 20, 2015

The highest degree of accuracy is required, as mistakes in the presentation translations might cost the company the custom of potential clients.

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Company Document Translation Services

May 19, 2015

The source documents of this Japanese translation have been revised during the translation and project was completed with out any problems.

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Fast and Accurate Spanish Business Translation Services

May 18, 2015

Translation of two tech reports (one partially translated) into Spanish provided by our professional Spanish translators expert in business translation services

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Fast and Accurate Russian Presentation Translation Service

May 17, 2015

The client worked in advertising and had to update some of his international clients on their marketing campaigns via the PowerPoint presentation.

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