Last translation projects

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95,000 Business Customers
Accurate Legal Translation from Tomedes

October 09, 2019

A Tomedes client needed to use our legal translation service in order to obtain a German translation of his document

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Professional website translation from Tomedes

October 06, 2019

A a client called on our French translation expertise for the translation of her company website from the original English version.

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Professional Video Translation by Tomedes

October 02, 2019

A client recently approached Tomedes regarding our English to Mandarin video translation and subtitling service.

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Professional Spanish Translation by Tomedes

September 29, 2019

Recently, a new client needed to hire a Spanish translator in a hurry. He liked the sound of our 24/7 availability, so obtained an instant quote from our website.

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Professional Portuguese Translation from Tomedes

September 25, 2019

A client decided that he needed to expand his small business overseas, with the help of Portuguese translation services.

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Video Transcription and Translation by Tomedes

September 22, 2019

A recent Tomedes client needed her video translated from English to French.

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Professional Chinese Translation from Tomedes

September 18, 2019

A client needed a long audio file translated from English to Chinese. We were delighted to help.

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Effective marketing translation from Tomedes

September 15, 2019

A new client recently asked Tomedes to undertake a marketing translation for his company.

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Professional Chinese translation by Tomedes

September 11, 2019

A corporate client needed to use our Chinese translation service in order to convert her business documents from Chinese to English.

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Accurate Korean translation from Tomedes

September 08, 2019

A client needed a video translation from his native English into Korean for an instructional video that his business had made.

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