Last translation projects

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95,000 Business Customers
Business Translation Services by our Spanish Expert Translators

February 22, 2010

PR translation into Spanish for a US company attending a business conference in Spain

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Spanish Company Brochure Translation Services

February 21, 2010

Translation of marketing materials for a NGO addressing the Hispanic community

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German Translation Services by our Professional Translators

February 21, 2010

A translation of a birth certificate for a British citizen whose father died in Germany and wanted to bring his body for burial in the UK

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Certified Translation Services

February 20, 2010

Notarization and translation of legal documents for a business setting up base in Ukraine

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Website Localization Services by our Skilled Chinese Translators

February 19, 2010

We have provided many Chinese translation for companies websites addressing over 380 Million internet users in China

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Professional Spanish Translation Services by our Skilled Translators

February 19, 2010

We have translated ads, product manuals and company brochure for a US company selling their products to the Hispanic community

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Certificate Translation Services by our Certified Translators

February 18, 2010

For immigration purposes, people are often required to translate their birth certificates or marriage certificates into English. Did you know they cannot do it themselves even if they know both languages?

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Website Localization Services by our Network of Skilled Translators

February 18, 2010

50k words translated by 3 Romanian translators for a corporate website translation

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Latin Translation Services by our Experts

February 17, 2010

One of the most common language pairs we get to translate here in Tomedes is English to Latin.

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Belarusian Business Translation Services

February 16, 2010

We are always content to see that companies choose us to accompany them in their penetration into new markets.

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